Why you should add some glitter of gold to your portfolio now

Investing all your money in any one asset class is always a risky business. Modern portfolios require you to consider all your investment options. An optimum portfolio is one which has the highest return for a given level of risk. Equity should definitely get the larger chunk, and that should be invested systematically in solid, remunerative businesses with a long-term perspective.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/ydyfwhej

Hicks on biz: Cheers to Alberta’s oilsands!

I once interviewed former Edmonton mayor Steve Mandel, just as he was considering running for mayor. It was a ho-hum interview, not much to remember. But he made one point I will never forget. “Doesn’t matter how much the city’s economy grows,” he said, using his hands to make a widening circle. “If there’s any contraction,” he said, bringing his hands closer together, “no matter what, it’s going to hurt like hell.”

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/ydgq2tpx

White: Office-to-residential conversions easier said than done

The big idea that arose from the City of Calgary’s Downtown Economic Summit in March was the need to convert some of our downtown’s vacant office space into residential. Doing so would help create a more vibrant downtown in evenings and weekends. It tends to become a ghost town when the 150,000 downtown office workers return home.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/y9oxzhpz