We have been very busy this past week with a number of behind the scenes internet activity as we prepare for our major announcement. WordPress 3.7 will soon be available to users around the world and we are anticipating its partial automation of updates which will simplify our ongoing efforts.
Wednesday, the world witnessed a near catastrophe as the debt ceiling level debate in Washington D.C. went right down to the wire. I will not go into details here because it has been very extensively covered around the world.
In double entry accounting, one person’s income is another expense. An example of this is rent payments are considered an expense to a tenant but income to a landlord. With that in mind, Washington’s tarnished image as of October 16th will now serve as the key “trigger event” that Karl and I have been looking for a very long time. This will take us to the next level which will occur before the end of this month.
As a result of our imminent breakthrough, we are nervously anticipating the onslaught. Watch for the fireworks on this site and you will fully understand exactly what we have been up to!!