Market sees rise in vacancies, rents
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Market sees rise in vacancies, rents
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A good public policy think-tank calls government out when it has it wrong, encourages it to do better when there is room for improvement and suggests alternatives when the old way of doing things isn’t working anymore.
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New trade agreements signed between the Alberta and India governments last week are being hailed as a boon for the province’s agricultural producers.
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Soaring American crude production and a 1970s law that forbids exports — except to Canada because of our integrated North American market — could have a big impact on where Alberta’s light crude ends up.
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Statoil might have to choose between developing properties in the Alberta oilsands and an offshore find off Newfoundland because of rising costs in the industry.
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In an analysis of traffic patterns on throughout 2013, it wasn’t even a contest.
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CALGARY – A Statistics Canada study suggests that the lure of jobs in Alberta’s energy sector isn’t enough to persuade out-of-province workers to make a permanent move.
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Alberta’s natural population growth continues to lead the country and the Red Deer region is just short of the provincial average.
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The value of Canadian building permits surged past expectations in March to jump by 8.6 percent, primarily due to non-residential construction plans but also helped by a rebound in multi-family housing, Statistics Canada said on Monday.
Market players in a Reuters poll had forecast a 1 percent increase in building permits in the month. Statscan revised its February figure to a gain of 1.5 percent, from 1.7 percent.
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