The City of Red Deer and the provincial government are nearing a collaborative workable solution to retain ambulance dispatch.
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The City of Red Deer and the provincial government are nearing a collaborative workable solution to retain ambulance dispatch.
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Parkland County and the Town of Stony Plain have secured a contractor to build a new joint ambulance facility in Stony Plain.
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The new Stony Plain / Parkland County Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Station is one step closer to reality. The Town and County awarded Chandos Construction, Ltd.links to external site with the contract to construct the new facility, which was designed by Edmonton-based S2 Architecturelinks to external site, in consultation with Parkland Countylinks to external site and Alberta Health Services.links to external site
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Stony Plain town council approved the redistricting of approximately 1.69 hectares from Urban Reserve to Urban Services at the town council meeting on Aug. 19.
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A new ambulance station will be located near London Drugs if Alberta Health Services’ application for a development permit is approved by the City.
If the permit is granted it will mean transforming what used to be “Puckmasters”, behind JYSK, into an Emergency Medical Services ambulance station to operate 24/7.
The location, next to Grandview Condominiums, fronts onto Southview Drive.
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EDMONTON – Alberta Health Services’ new air ambulance operations at the Edmonton International Airport will include a six-patient care area, as well as the ability to quickly transport urgent patients to city hospitals via a STARS helicopter.
The provincial government outlined details Monday of how its Edmonton-based air ambulance operations will work once it relocates to the Edmonton International Airport in March.
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