Western Provinces Say They Badly Need Temporary Foreign Workers

IQALUIT, Nunavut – Western provinces have a genuine, pressing need for skilled labour and the federal government’s recent overhaul of its temporary foreign worker program goes too far, the interim Alberta premier said Thursday.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/mqr5meu

Average Pay In Alberta: 30 Occupations By Wage, Salary

It’s no secret people from across Canada are flocking to Alberta to make money.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/o3tgucx

Canadian Oil Can Make the World a Safer Place

Given Canada’s proximity to the United States, we tend to take our peace and security for granted. This comfortable distance from most of the world’s violence has also led us to underestimate how useful Canada might be in defusing threats elsewhere using an item some people overlook as leverage: energy.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/qc673vd

Affordable Housing Alberta: Real Estate Affordability In The Province Among Strongest In Canada

Despite the severely high price of real estate in Alberta, the province’s housing market remains among the most affordable in Canada because of high household income, according a new report by the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC).

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/l4283vr

The Highest Paid CEOs In The Alberta Oil Patch Are Also Among The Highest Rated

When worker bees from across the nation were asked to rate their CEOs in an anonymous poll recently, it was an Alberta oil patch exec who received the highest ratings.

CEO Steve Williams of Suncor (TSX:SU) scored the highest of any Canadian chief executive with a 96 per cent approval rating from the Calgary company’s employees.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/cbb4nce