Forget the Fiat – It’s CONFIDENCE

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong,

In a recent post you write, “HYPERINFLATION takes place not because of any threshold in the quantity of money that has been crossed. It is a matter of confidence.”

Is there any historical precedence for a people losing confidence in a currency, where it is being restricted, i.e., not printed in vast amounts?

In other words – Has a population lost confidence in fiat, that then leads to hyperinflation, where there is no monetary expansion?

Your thoughts would be appreciated.


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Albertans more confident about economy than Canadians in general

CALGARY — Albertans seem to be a more optimistic bunch about the economy than the rest of Canada.

The quarterly RBC Canadian Consumer Outlook Index, released Thursday, found that 37 per cent of people in Alberta expect their personal financial situation to improve in the next year while 35 per cent of Canadians felt that way.

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According to the latest BMO Small Business Confidence Report, Canadian businesses remain confident in their business prospects and the state of the economy for 2013, with British Columbia and Atlantic Canada leading the way.

Based on their answers to a series of questions, the majority (62%) of business owners have a positive outlook for 2013. Again, businesses in Atlantic Canada (70%) and British Columbia (69%) lead the charge as the most optimistic.

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