Water use in Okotoks continued to drop in 2013 and the Town is looking to build on its record with a new conservation plan.
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/lxqkgaf
Water use in Okotoks continued to drop in 2013 and the Town is looking to build on its record with a new conservation plan.
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/lxqkgaf
Last week, I approached a friend, a field manager for a small oil producer in rural Alberta with a few hundred wells.
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/mhbwalj
Water conservation for Diamond Valley residents will continue into the fall, but Black Diamond and Turner Valley aren’t being left on their own to deal with their water problems.
The Province announced Monday it will install a 10-inch water pipeline running drinking water from the Turner Valley water treatment plant to the Black Diamond reservoir to meet the demand of the community’s approximately 2,000 residents.
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/knmvyhu
Cochrane town council was provided an overview of the direction a new policy on the protection of wetlands would take during their Jan. 14 meeting.
Wetlands are identified by class, from one to seven; the lower classes, one to three being temporary or seasonal wetlands and not protected under any current policy, while Class 4 and above are considered environmental reserve (ER).
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/ale3m94
The regional plan will look to balance economic and social needs of southern Alberta with water and environmental conservation in building a blueprint for future development of the area.
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/9tbx7uv
Starting Jan. lst, residents of Red Deer will see a change in how their costs for water and wastewater will be calculated.
The fixed monthly charge will go down, while the cost for the actual amount of water used will go up. So the less water residents’ use, the lower the water and wastewater bills should be. The changes, to be phased in over five years, are meant to be revenue neutral, but encourage water conservation and still meet revenue requirements. City utilities are designed to be self-supporting.
Read more: http://tinyurl.com/8z2bdan