Calgary demographics influence housing
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Calgary demographics influence housing
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At 22 years of age, Victor Godinho has become a homeowner. He purchased a two-bedroom, 750-square-foot unit at Ten88, a new townhouse condominium under construction in Toronto.
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CINCINNATI — A swipe through her phone’s personal finance app tells Jessica Sebastian all she needs to know about retirement.
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Economists and demographers are increasingly concluding that the presence of large volumes of migration can be a boon to local economies.
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In 1922, a group of sociologists went to Munice, Indiana, to study how the average American family lived. Almost everyone, they found, was addicted to their car. “We’d rather do without clothes than give up the car,” said one mother of nine children. “I’ll go without food before I’ll see us give up the car,” said another. One researcher reminded a housewife that her family had a car but no bathtub. “Why,” said she, “you can’t go to town in a bathtub!” The automobile was barely two decades old, and Americans already couldn’t imagine living without one.
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CHICAGO (AP) — It’s an assertion that has been accepted as fact by droves of the unemployed: Older people remaining on the job later in life are stealing jobs from young people.
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Rankings of cities measuring “livability” or “quality of life” are a staple of the Internet. Livability, however, is very much in the eye of the beholder.
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EDMONTON – Don Iveson’s election Monday as Edmonton’s mayor was part of a generational shift that has put younger leaders in charge of many major Alberta centres.
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Here’s a great chart from Merrill Lynch (via @soberlook) showing which countries will have the largest working age populations in 2037, just under 25 years from now.
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One of the keys to successful real estate investing is to have specialized knowledge of an area which you are potentially investing in. Before saying anything else, one must recall the old adage that “The map is not the territory”. However, it is a very good place to start. Listed below are two links for Alberta’s largest cities of Calgary and Edmonton. Although smaller cities have explosive potential in terms of equity appreciation, the large cities are where most investors tend to focus their attention. Some of them can be found throughout the site.
Also, having access to current market rents in Alberta is a key to success. Rents represent cashflow which is everything!
Having this kind of information before viewing property is almost like cheating but it simply is using the internet to your advantage. Remember to investigate before you invest……and after!
Alberta rentals: