The County of Grande Prairie has been granted an extra month to respond to the City of Grande Prairie’s annexation application, it was decided Monday.
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The County of Grande Prairie has been granted an extra month to respond to the City of Grande Prairie’s annexation application, it was decided Monday.
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Calgary’s southeast ring road won’t open to traffic this week as the contractor continues to work finishing the long-awaited roadway, says Alberta’s transportation boss.
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Hatters who were evacuated from homes and businesses in flood zones will have their property taxes due this weekend deferred in some form, the City announced late Tuesday.
Details of how taxes will be reassessed and a new deadline should be announced soon.
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Lethbridge city council today approved an $11-million tender for paving and other surface works for the Scenic Drive North extension project.
In addition to surface works for the new 1.7-kilometre section of new two-lane roadway between 5th Avenue North and Stafford Drive North, the project includes a new access road to the city’s waste water treatment plant, a pedestrian underpass, and pedestrian pathway connections. The tender has been awarded to the low bidder, de Graaf Excavating Ltd. of Lethbridge, and the project is scheduled for completion by November, 2013.
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The Harper government is buying itself some more time to deal with a political hot potato.
It is extending its review of the controversial $15.1-billion bid by a Chinese state-owned company to acquire Calgary-based oil and gas producer Nexen Inc.
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