Cities with the widest gap between rich and poor

The American middle class is shrinking. According to a report released earlier this year, an estimated 51% of the population was in the middle class at the start of the decade, down from 61% 40 years earlier. It also appears that even as the economy recovers, jobs are being added for low-wage positions much faster. Despite economic growth in the United States, income inequality appears to be worsening nationwide.

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Economic gap between Canadian regions narrowing

CALGARY, AB, Jan. 21, 2013/ Troy Media/ – There’s been a distinct difference in the rate of economic growth between Canada’s regions over the past several years. Momentum has clearly favoured Western Canada, particularly Alberta and Saskatchewan where energy, agriculture and natural resources have led the way. On the other hand, Central Canada has struggled with a loss of manufacturing and export struggles with the high Canadian dollar.

The stronger pace of growth has been the source of much pride here in the West – and the nastier side of people can even lead to childish gloating that we are doing better economically than Ontario or Quebec.

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