University highly regarded as a research institution
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University highly regarded as a research institution
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EDMONTON – Alberta’s new institute to commercialize university research moved ahead Friday with the appointment of ten international experts, businesspeople and academics to an organizing panel.
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EDMONTON – Brazilian student Henrique Vieira has been in Edmonton for just a few months, but already he’s designed about 50 different storylines for an educational video game for high school students.
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EDMONTON – The University of Alberta has received a $4.4-million injection into energy and environmental engineering research.
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EDMONTON – A new institute that will help colleges and universities commercialize their research in partnership with private companies and other agencies is underway, Advanced Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk says.
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The Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation (GRPF)has entered into an inaugural $230,000 partnership with Shell that will launch advanced research on land reclamation practices using native grasses, including fescue.
Creation of the Shell Foothills Fescue Research Institute will allow the foundation to build a greenhouse and research facility while expanding both existing research and education programs at the provincial park, located just east of Cochrane.
The provincial park features one of the largest remaining groupings of native grasslands in the province including an abundance of rough fescue, which is designated as part of an endangered ecosystem. The Nature Conservancy of Canada estimates only 17 per cent of original Alberta Foothills fescue grassland remains.
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The NAIT Boreal Research Institute (nBRI), based in Peace River, announced to Town Council on Monday (Dec. 3) that the institute has approved funding for a new research facility to be constructed in Peace River.
Institute Director Hugh Seaton told council the project would cost $4.6 million, of which half of the funding would come from NAIT ($2.6 million) and the other funds coming from federal and provincial research grants.
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EDMONTON – The University of Alberta competes with the best on the global stage thanks to its world-class research capacity, and the departure of one high-profile academic is not a setback, says president Indira Samarasekera.
The fact that U of A won four of the first 19 Canada Excellence Research Chairs in 2010 is confirmation that it is among the best in the world in some areas of research and “that’s a good news story,” said Samarasekera.
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Three of Alberta’s major universities have placed in Maclean’s magazine’s 22nd annual university rankings released Thursday.
The schools are divided into three categories based on the amount of research they undertake and whether they offer graduate programs.
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Calgary – Alberta’s energy companies are outpacing the rest of corporate Canada when it comes to ramping up investment in research and development.
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