Hire specialists not generalists

Suppose your vehicle needs some transmission work which cannot be put off any longer. Would you take it to a general mechanic or a transmission specialist? Although the mechanic would know a great deal about how vehicles work and their associated repair, my guess would be that you take it to the specialist.

The same type of reasoning applies to real estate investing. Your team needs to be full of specialists in real estate investing and not standard home buyers. Whether it is realtors, mortgage brokers or property managers, they need to be investors first and foremost. That is why one of the questions you must ask all these people is how properties they currently own. You should also ask them for references from other investors who have used their services in the past.

Do not use a realtor because they happen to be a friend or someone who lives close to you. Likewise, the mortgage agent at your corner bank probably does not deal with investors full time and would not be an ideal choice.

Also ensure that everyone you deal with is a full time registered professional and not a part time realtor, appraiser etc. Your money will be working full time and so should these people.