Condo Smarts: If your strata is not enforcing bylaws, it’s time to take action

Dear Tony: We are selling our town house in the Kootenays because of an owner who was essentially running a wood working business out of their garage. We have over 50 units with the townhouses being clustered in groups of 8. The strata council refused to do anything about the chronic noise, dust, blockage of our driveway and odours of epoxies because his wife also happens to be the vice president. It came to a point during winter when we threatened to take them to court, they started fining us for being a nuisance about complaining. The opposite town house owner has also complained, but as a single senior, she has become afraid of the aggression and bullying. Now they have published false allegations in the minutes to punish us for complaining and frustrate our chances of a sale. Help!

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