How to get discounts from contractors

When utilizing a buy and hold approach to real estate, a solid team of contractors will be invaluable to you. Whether it is an electrician, plumber, furnace repairman or any other specialist, these people will perform the tasks which are associated with maintaining your investment portfolio.

Many investors try to get these contractors to reduce their rates or labor costs from the very beginning. This usually does not result in a reduction in fees and you will potentially lose an excellent contact.

Instead of asking for a price reduction from the beginning, insist that you pay the full price and do so as soon as possible.

The next time you need their help, they will remember your previous dealings and place a higher value on you over everyone else who requests a bargain from the beginning. Over time, you will develop a relationship with these contractors and they will start to give you discounts on parts and/or labor on jobs that are required. Continue to pay all your bills when you receive them if not sooner. By focusing on long term relationships, you will get more discounts and will stand out above the crowd.