Writing a real estate offer

No matter who you are or where you are investing, an offer to purchase property or land is essential to your success. It does not matter how much research, due diligence and discussions one has, an offer must be written and accepted at some point. It separates those who take action from those who watch on the sidelines.

In order to stand out from the crowd, you must be memorable. That is why the real estate cover letter will go a long way to ensuring your success.  After all, this is a sales pitch you are presenting. For more details on writing a cover letter visit: http://tinyurl.com/l2bqyz3

As for the actual offer, it is a legal document and if you are unsure of any aspect, investigate before you sign and not after. It is null and void if there is no signature at the bottom. If is still using paper, use a blue pen and not black to distinguish it from the rest of the document.

I also like to put an expiry on the offer of anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours from the time it is presented. The offer then becomes an option which gives the buyer the right but not the obligation to accept it and you are leveraging your time instead of potentially wasting it. As options traders often say, you never want to be long and wrong!

For more details on writing a winning offer, please visit: http://tinyurl.com/pcyke82