Yale’s Goal setting study of 1953

After you have attended a number of real estate seminars, you are bound to hear about a study from Yale university which promotes the value of writing down your goals in order to achieve them. Their results claim to have found that 3% of graduates who wrote their goals down outperformed the other 97% combined in achieving financial wealth after having them followed for a 20 year period. This study is heavily quoted in order to get people to purchase a rental property or sign up for expensive courses. All of this leads to my question. Did the study ever actually occur as has been mentioned over the past 60 years?

I attempted a simple Google search and found that it had not!! No one from Yale ever recalls being part of the study. The secretary of the class of 1953 did not know of the study. The administrators at Yale were consulted and various offices records were also examined with no results. This is but one example of how seminars heavily promote their own agendas without doing any due diligence on what they are talking about.

For the record, I have never written down my goals because I am too busy taking action.