It’s a good time to be renting in Edmonton as a new report shows a growing number of options available in the past three months.
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It’s a good time to be renting in Edmonton as a new report shows a growing number of options available in the past three months.
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Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBC) has told CBS that oil could reach “unimaginably high numbers” if a war with Iran were to erupt, which he suggested could happen if “the world does not take a strong and firm action to deter Iran.”
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Municipalities across Canada are grappling with how to regulate and integrate home-sharing into their communities. And I don’t blame them. There is no cookie-cutter approach, no one-size-fits-all solution.
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Council’s executive committee has opted to move the alleyways in Edmonton’s business districts closer to the front of the line when it comes to upgraded roadwork.
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Calgary has gone from a rental unit surplus to a small deficit, according to a report by RBC Economics.
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Gold Bar residents scored a victory at Edmonton City Hall on Monday. They’ve convinced city planners to hold off on deciding where to send sewage in the decades to come.
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Off the top of your head, if you had to guess which politician said a “strong Alberta” means a “strong Canada,” who would you pick?
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The Calgary Catholic School District operates 13 high schools and, according to last year’s enrolment numbers, nine are operating overcapacity.
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Canada’s population is growing faster than ever, new data from Statistics Canada shows.
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Just how feasible would it be for a household on a median income to purchase real estate in Canada?
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