Worsening oil bottleneck could cost Canada $1 trillion, shock government revenues

Today, Canada finds itself caught in an energy crunch.

Oilsands production is taking off, but the country’s future capacity to export oil appears constrained. Our main customer – the United States – is also enjoying its own oil renaissance, while concerns over foreign takeovers and the environment loom. For Albertans – and other Canadians – it’s a decisive moment for a country striving to be an energy superpower.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/ae9vd8u


Income forecast to rise in Fort

An outlook on Fort Saskatchewan’s future was given last Wednesday, and it seems residents can expect to pad their wallets over the coming years.

A presentation given by Terry Stacey, director of economic development with the city of Fort Saskatchewan, at the chamber of commerce breakfast function last Wednesday outlined outlooks for the community — including an expected increase in average household income.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/cunl4bo  

Income up down on Alberta farms

CALGARY, AB, Nov. 26, 2012/ Troy Media/ – Crop farmers in Alberta may well be finished their harvesting for the year, but that doesn’t mean their work is done. And if the cash receipts they’ve received over the first three quarters of 2012 are any indication, this year should go down as one of the very best the province has ever seen.

Read more:  http://tinyurl.com/bqmghhg