And How to Invest in 4D Printing….

4D Printing Potential Makes Me Drool

After more than 30 years in the markets, I’ve seen all kinds of new technologies that are supposed to change the world. Most are pumped by little-known companies with overly hyped marketing, aggressive underwriters, and little more than vaporware. To say I’m jaded would be an understatement.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/nw5u433

8 Principles For Value Investing That Investors Should Never Forget

During times of “heightened uncertainty” Scott Clemons, chief investment strategist, and Michael Kim, CIO, at Brown Brothers Harriman Wealth Management, think value investors need to remember eight key principles. 1. “Risk is not volatility.” 2. “Price and value are different things.” 3.”Investors must know what they own.” 4. “There is no such thing as passive investing.” 5. “Preserving wealth is the first step towards growing it.” 6. “There is a difference between wealth and money.” 7. “Cash provides option value to an investor.” 8. “Diversification is an inadequate tool for managing risk.”

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/qe2p5c4

Investing Properly Is Often Psychologically Painful

Investors have a hard time accepting that they are in a “very-low-return world for a long time,” Charles de Vaulx of International Value Advisers told Advisor Perspectives. “Some individuals do not want to amend their lifestyle (i.e., save more and consume less) and may not want to be told that at best, the return on their financial assets may be 3 to 5% in the next 10 years, and even less once you adjust for inflation.” He also said its important for advisors to remind clients that they cannot “just equate high economic growth to good stock market performance, particularly with respect to emerging markets.”

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/mz2dxv2


As the markets are propelled higher by the successive interventions of the Federal Reserve it is hard not to think that the current rise will continue indefinitely. The most common belief is currently that even if the Fed begins to “taper” their purchases the resurgence of economic growth will continue to propel stocks higher even in the face of higher interest rates. The financial world has finally achieved a “utopian” state where there is no longer investment risk in any asset class -because if it stumbles the central banks of the world will be there to catch them.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/kr5bebg

The Passive Investing Film Wall Street Doesn’t Want You To See

I came across this 53 minute documentary on why active investing doesn’t work for most people quite by accident.

A few minutes in I realized they had Yale’s Charles Ellis, Vanguard’s Jack Bogle, Rick Ferri and the whole galaxy of anti-active management priests.

It’s a good watch, find some time for this:

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/bhupt8v