Mayor pens objection to property tax hike

Mayor Melissa Blake is going to bat for Wood Buffalo residents over the new tax hike coming down from the provincial government.

It was revealed at a municipal council meeting Tuesday evening that Blake will be sending a personal letter to Premier Alison Redford, voicing her concerns in regard to the removal of a tax cap that will drastically increase the amount Wood Buffalo residents pay in education property taxes.

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City playing shell game with property tax hike

The province giveth and the city taketh away.

We had it. At least on paper, we had it — a property tax hike this year of only 1.3%.

You read it right, only 1.3%.

This small increase can only happen because the province is giving Calgarians a tax cut on the side of the property tax bill the folks in Edmonton control.

You read it right, a tax cut.

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