Strathearn couple fights Southeast to West LRT line in Edmonton

The city is preparing to take over some land in Strathearn for the Southeast to West LRT line but one couple is begging them to reconsider.

For the last 20 years Wayne Brown and Sharon Morganson have decorated their home at 8622 95th Ave. for both Halloween and Christmas and invited the public to come out and enjoy it.

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Rural septic systems on the public radar

Over the years that Alberta farmers and ranchers have been completing Environmental Farm Plans (EFP), farm waste management has consistently ranked among the top five environmental challenges concerns identified by producers. It’s important for farmers to know their responsibilities when it comes to on-farm sewage management.

“We know that many municipalities across the province are facing pressures to better manage water quality,” says Alberta Environmental Farm Plan program co-ordinator, Perry Phillips.



Council critic sells property city wanted to developer for $75.5 million

CALGARY — Renowned city hall gadfly Oscar Fech has sold a vast tract of northeast land to a private developer for $75.5 million.
As the perennial council critic and long-shot mayoral candidate himself often says: Can you believe it?
City officials can — barely. Because now, when they need part of that land for major road upgrades, they’ll likely face a more friendly negotiator than the man who always warned aldermen to use more “common sense.”
“We knew there wasn’t any possibility of dealing with him when we needed (the land),” Ald. Jim Stevenson said Monday.

The Sunshine Index

Looking for a ray of sunshine in the depths of winter? Head to Mustique, a tiny 1-mile-by-3-mile island in the sunny Caribbean. But it will cost you—$3,338.66 per hour, to be exact.

To find out where homeowners get the most solar bang for their buck, real-estate consulting firm Knight Frank looked at 14 warm-weather vacation spots around the world. Using the average hours of sunlight per day and the average house price for a four-bedroom property in a prime real-estate location, Knight Frank arrived at the price for an hour of sunshine, averaged over a year.

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