Boarding house solution coming: city manager

Progress is being made on a controversial boarding house in the Grandin section of St. Albert, says city manager Patrick Draper.

The St. Albert Gazette recently received e-mails, letters to the editor and phone calls about a home in the Gould neighbourhood that, while zoned as a single-family dwelling, was in fact being used as a de facto boarding house for dozens of construction workers, complete with cook and housekeeper.

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Careers: The Next Generation promotes trades careers to youth in Alberta

EDMONTON- A shortage of skilled trades workers is a longtime concern in Alberta and shows no sign of abating.

In fact, with the economy expanding through a variety of new energy projects, the shortfall could be as many as 70,000 trades people by 2020. Although immigration may address some vacancies, the surest way to fill those jobs is with homegrown talent.

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