No, The American Consumer Is Not Back

NEW HAVEN – The spin-doctors are hard at work talking up America’s subpar economic recovery. All eyes are on households. Thanks to falling unemployment, rising home values, and record stock prices, an emerging consensus of forecasters, market participants, and policymakers has now concluded that the American consumer is finally back.

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Frugality out, back in: eating, drinking out

Americans seem to be fed up with frugality.

As the recession ever so slowly recedes, an increasing number of Americans say they are less frugal than they were a few years ago. At the same time, sales at restaurants are at an all-time high and at least one survey says consumers expect to spend more eating out as soon as their pocketbooks allow.

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Demographics and Investing

In our attempt to provide coverage of the economic fundamentals for Alberta real estate, readers are sometimes provided with news of a new school being built or plans for expansion.  On the surface, this does not seem to have anything to do with cash flow, equity or interest rates and may wonder what it has to do with property.  The answer is a great deal.

Demographics is the study of a makeup of a population. When people make more money, they spend more, when they spend more, real estate prices go up. Peak spending in fact is at approximately 40 years of age and after that point, it starts to decline. One of the factors that drives real estate is the makeup of households and that is why I provide information on new schools as it is a factor as to where growth is or will be occurring.  A community of mostly 25-30 year olds has (all other factors being equal)  a positive demographic profile compared to one where it is mostly seniors who spend much less.

Alberta’s demographics is to show that our province is in fact getting younger and therefore extending our peak spending years many years into the future.

For more information on this important subject, please visit