OTTAWA—Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird says the crisis in Ukraine makes getting Canada’s oil and gas to international markets that much more important.
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OTTAWA—Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird says the crisis in Ukraine makes getting Canada’s oil and gas to international markets that much more important.
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Canadian oil producers may get a better price for crude in the overseas markets because of the glut of oil in the North American market. That in turn could reshape the U.S. price market for retail gasoline, AAA said Monday.
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OTTAWA (Reuters) – Manufacturing and oil and gas extraction boosted Canada’s industrial capacity use to 82.0 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013, up from 81.2 percent in the third quarter, Statistics Canada said on Thursday.
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I noticed this story in The Wall Street Journal today [excerpted]:
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Colorado is preparing to set a new US precedent by becoming the first state to implement strict fracking rules with leak detection requirements to cut down on greenhouse gas methane emissions from the oil and gas industry.
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The Grande Prairie region is going to see a fair bit of activity in the oil and gas industry in the next few months.
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Not long ago, the idea of the United States producing more oil than Saudi Arabia seemed like a pipe dream. But then fracking, a technique the energy industry has been using in some capacity since the 1950s, came into its own.
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A new study predicts that natural gas prices will remain stable over the next two decades due to sustained levels of shale production.
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EDMONTON – The short-term fireworks may be coming to an end, but the long-term outlook for natural gas prices is clearly on the upswing.
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A new Mac’s Convenience store is set to open near the Riverstone subdivision.
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