Will U.S. workers ever be able to retire?

Despite the rebound in home prices and new all-time nominal highs in the stock market, many Americans are looking at an unpleasant retirement, if they even make it that far; according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s latest survey on retirement confidence, the majority of workers have saved for their golden years, but the piggy bank is quite slim.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/mjjn75y

Mortensen believes Ward 3 is won or lost on senior involvement

Bryan Mortensen, president of the altView board and founder of the group, announced he is running for councillor of Ward 3 in the upcoming municipal election on Wednesday.

This, his first time running for office, is a bit of a dream come true. Having had the ambition to be politically involved since the age of five, Mortensen sees this as a chance to add more to his list of successes.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/d8nvfs9

College developing courses to meet local needs

A growing seniors population and an impending shortage of health care aids, has a local college developing programs that could help fill the void.

Bow Valley College, which recently opened a campus in High River and has an office in Okotoks, is working collaboratively with community stakeholders to offer courses, which will help train local employees to fill roles close to home.

Read more: http://tinyurl.com/c5bp9dc