Calgary market is hot, hot, hot.
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Calgary market is hot, hot, hot.
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CALGARY – Although additional resale housing inventory is expected to hit the Calgary market in the spring, a new real estate report says it will be absorbed by strong consumer demand.
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CALGARY – A high level of demand will continue to lift housing starts, MLS sales and average house prices this year in the Calgary region, according to a report released Thursday by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.
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Calgary’s two major universities could be hard-pressed to squeeze students into every nook and cranny for many more years, according to data released by the province earlier this month.
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CALGARY – The high amount of leasing activity in 2013 in the Calgary industrial real estate market is a strong indicator of healthy demand which will continue to consume vacant product, says a new report by Colliers International.
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A foothills community is investing thousands of dollars to study whether there is enough demand for a new hotel in the Diamond Valley area, with the goal of attracting more business to the community.
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Despite unforgiving economics, unrelenting criticism and unprecedented opposition, the development of Alberta’s oilsands appears to be an unstoppable force.
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SHREWSBURY, Vt. (AP) — Lucas Jackson and Maeve Mangine shifted plans for a farm centered on a goat dairy after taking a workshop in growing shiitake mushrooms. All it took was logs from their land, mushroom spawn and their labor.
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Price appreciation is largely driven by the degree to which demand exceeds supply. While the best short-term measure of the housing demand/supply balance is months of supply of homes on the market, the best long-term measure is the ratio of household formations to new home construction. Since household formation data is highly unreliable, we use job growth as the best proxy because there are typically 1.2 jobs per household.
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“Oil is absolutely certain to become incredibly short in supply and very high priced. The imported oil is not your enemy, it’s your friend. Every barrel that you use up that comes from somebody else is a barrel of your precious oil which you’re going to need to feed your people and maintain your civilization. And what responsible people do with a Confucian ethos is suffer now to benefit themselves and their families and their countrymen later. The way to do that is to go very slow in producing domestic oil and not mind at all if we pay prices that look ruinous for foreign oil.
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