Fort Saskatchewan blends the best

If you think of Fort Saskatchewan as a bedroom community, you might want to think again.

“The population has grown about 32% over the last nine years, with an average of about 4.8% per year,” said Terry Stacey, economic development director of the city. “The community is expanding, attracting new business, and allowing us to provide the type of amenities our residents are looking for.”

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Mortensen believes Ward 3 is won or lost on senior involvement

Bryan Mortensen, president of the altView board and founder of the group, announced he is running for councillor of Ward 3 in the upcoming municipal election on Wednesday.

This, his first time running for office, is a bit of a dream come true. Having had the ambition to be politically involved since the age of five, Mortensen sees this as a chance to add more to his list of successes.

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Demographics and Investing

In our attempt to provide coverage of the economic fundamentals for Alberta real estate, readers are sometimes provided with news of a new school being built or plans for expansion.  On the surface, this does not seem to have anything to do with cash flow, equity or interest rates and may wonder what it has to do with property.  The answer is a great deal.

Demographics is the study of a makeup of a population. When people make more money, they spend more, when they spend more, real estate prices go up. Peak spending in fact is at approximately 40 years of age and after that point, it starts to decline. One of the factors that drives real estate is the makeup of households and that is why I provide information on new schools as it is a factor as to where growth is or will be occurring.  A community of mostly 25-30 year olds has (all other factors being equal)  a positive demographic profile compared to one where it is mostly seniors who spend much less.

Alberta’s demographics is to show that our province is in fact getting younger and therefore extending our peak spending years many years into the future.

For more information on this important subject, please visit

Challenges in construction labour market

CALGARY — A just-released forecast of labour supply and demand says construction will need to recruit more than 250,000 workers, including the traditional number of new entrants to the workforce, to meet building needs from now until 2021 in Canada.

A large portion of this need, about 210,000, is to replace retiring workers, according to the Construction Looking Forward, National Summary, 2013-2021, published by the Construction Sector Council.

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The energy’s glowing in vibrant Redstone

A variety of home styles and diversity in both architecture and demographics make for a fun, lively community in Qualico Communities’ Redstone.

“Redstone is a community that combines family, friends and welcoming green spaces with a variety of homes designed for all types of families at every stage of life,” says Nicky Barvir, marketing co-ordinator with Qualico Communities.

“There really is something for everyone in Redstone.”

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